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Utilizing Stormwater as a Resource,
Not a Waste

Read more about the NYS DEC's proposed changes to Water Quality Standards for recreational water on SWIM's blog post


Stormwater Infrastructure Matters (SWIM)

SWIM is a coalition of 70+ organizations citywide who are dedicated to ensuring swimmable, fishable waters around New York City through natural, sustainable stormwater management practices in our neighborhoods. This approach is environmentally and fiscally responsible because it utilizes stormwater - currently viewed as waste - as a resource.



Who We Are


Read about our mission,
our 70+ members, and how you can fight for cleaner waterways.

Image: Joe Mabel


Where we work


Learn about water quality in NYC,

both the sources of pollution and
the most sensible solutions.



Browse SWIM Coalition actions and resources: factsheets, maps, reports, and an archive of testimony.

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SWIM Coalition is sponsored by the NYC Soil & Water Conservation District and Riverkeeper, Inc. Your donations to SWIM's work are tax deductible under the IRS code170(c)3. 

Donations to SWIM are managed by Riverkeeper, Inc.

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