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SWIM Coalition Public Meeting Notes - October 11


Updated: Sep 29, 2020

Marianna Koval, NYU Center for Sustainable Business

Marianna Koval, from the NYU Center for Sustainable Business, spoke at S.W.I.M.’s quarterly public meeting on October 11, about the partnership between NYC Department of Environmental Protection and the Natural Resources Defense Council to restructure the city’s Grant Program for Green Infrastructure on Private Property and encourage more private property owners to get grants to support the implementation of Green Infrastructure projects that manage stormwater runoff on their properties.

NYCDEP has issued a Request for Information (RFI) for how the program might be reconfigured and potentially managed by a third party team of experts. The RFI is titled Request for Information (RFI) for Management of a Green Infrastructure Private Property Incentive Program and is posted on the City Record here.

An RFP will be issued in approximately 6 months.

A synopsis of what they are looking for in the RFI:

  1. DEP is seeking responses that identify innovative program management structures to incentivize green infrastructure stormwater management retrofits on private property.

  2. The initial target for the new private property incentive program is to manage one inch of stormwater runoff from approximately 1,000 impervious acres over the next 15-20 years.

  3. By utilizing a program manager for the new incentive program, DEP is hoping to substantially expand its GI incentives aimed at private property owners.

  4. The proposed program management solutions should: drive scalable adoption of GI on private property, effectively market the new incentive program, efficiently engage contractors, and reduce the costs of GI through market scale.

  5. DEP is open to receiving responses from single entities or from entities that represent joint ventures that could provide creative solutions to this challenge.

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